Provide financial protection to your employees and yourself if something happens and you are unable to work.
Talk to an expertDisability insurance protects an employee’s earned income against an injury or illness that leaves them unable to work. The injury or illness can happen at work or outside of work and can be totally unrelated to work. You purchase disability insurance as an employer or as an employee, if your employer does not provide it as part of your benefits package.
Shot-term disability coverage replaces your income when an injury or illness causes you to be out of work for 12 months or less. This can include such circumstances as recovering after the birth of a child.
Long-term disability insurance picks up after your short-term disability insurance has expired. For injuries and illnesses with recovery times longer than 12 months, long-term disability can replace your income up until your retirement.
Depending on your state, your employees may be eligible for paid sick leave benefits. Paid sick leave helps by paying income to someone who is unable to work because they need to care for a parent, grandparent, grandchild or oneself.
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